Dental dental health dental pain denture Fix teeth Health Implants Missing teeth Oral oral health Periodontitis Teeth teeth extraction Teeth mobility teeth pain teeth removal teeth replacement tooth pain

Want to be healthy at the age of sixty? Then get your teeth fixed instead of having a denture.

Healthy teeth are very important to enjoy food and eat better. At older age teeth play pivotal role to maintain general health of an individual. So it is necessary to go for a right choice of teeth replacement to be healthy.

There are generally two types of options for full mouth teeth replacement, one is denture and other is Implant supported fixed teeth.



Dentures are the removable artificial teeth that are used to replace teeth. Dentures are not fixed, that is why it needs to be removed and wear every day.



It is a set of teeth which is fixed in the mouth with the support of implants. Implants mimic the function of real teeth and are permanent, durable, and fixed. The titanium implant fixture fuses to the natural bone in one’s jaw through a process called osseointegration and stops bone loss.

Why implant supported fixed teeth are better choice than dentures?

There are frequent chances of ulceration with denture as it rests on tissue surface in mouth, while with Implant supported teeth there is no such problem.

Denture becomes loose with period of time so it needs to be changed, but there is no need to replace implant supported teeth periodically as implants fuse with bone of jaw.

Implant gives you feel of natural teeth while chewing, talking, smiling or laughing so it is more comfortable, easy and convenient, while denture needs special precautions during laughing or chewing.

That is why Implant supported teeth are one for all solution for replacement of your teeth compared to denture.



Laxminarayan Dental Clinic,

Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India.

Mobile no- +919558324242

caries Cavity decay Dental dental health dental pain Fix teeth Health Missing teeth Oral oral health primary teeth RCT root canal treatment sensitivity Teeth Teeth Cleaning teeth extraction teeth filling teeth pain teeth removal teeth replacement tooth filling tooth pain

Tooth Decay Stages and How to Treat Each?

There are different stages of caries progression and at every stage it can be treated with particular treatment. It is advisable to get the treatment done at early stages, so that the tooth can be saved without need of any extensive dental treatment.

  •  Stage-1:-
  • This is initial stage of tooth decay.
  • Caries development is limited to first layer of tooth (Enamel) only.
  • Enamel is outer layer of tooth. It is hardest tissue of human body and is mostly made of minerals.
  • In this stage, cavity progression can be stopped by tooth filling treatment.
  •  Stage-2:-
  • In this stage caries is extended up to second layer of tooth (Dentin).
  • Dentin also contains tubes that lead to the nerves of the tooth. Because of this, when dentin is affected by tooth decay, you may begin experiencing sensitivity. You may notice this particularly when having hot or cold foods or drinks.
  • Tooth filling treatment is required at that stage to stop caries progression.
  •  Stages-3:-
  • Cavity is deep and near the pulp of tooth.
  • The pulp is the innermost layer of your tooth. It contains the nerves and blood vessels that help to keep the tooth healthy. The nerves present in the pulp also provide sensation to the tooth.
  • Sensitivity from hot and cold food or beverages may be present at this stage.
  • Tooth can be saved by pulp capping and tooth filling treatment.
  •  Stage-4:-
  • In this stage cavity reaches the pulp of tooth and causes pain.
  • Pain can be mild to severe.
  • Tooth can be saved by Root Canal and Crown treatment.
  •  Stage-5:-
  • Cavity is very deep and infection reaches the root tip of the tooth.
  • Moderate to severe pain may be present.
  • Abscess formation and Swelling can be present.
  • Extraction (Tooth Removal) or Root canal treatment would be done according to presence of infection.

Cavities do not happen or spread overnight. So it is advisable to visit your dentist regularly and get the treatment done at early stage to save your teeth.

Bleeding gums Children corona Covid-19 decay Dental dental health dental pain Fix teeth Gingivitis Gum inflammation Health Implants milk teeth Missing teeth Oral oral health Periodontitis primary teeth sensitivity Teeth Teeth Cleaning teeth extraction Teeth mobility teeth pain teeth removal teeth replacement tooth pain

Why you should care for your gums?

Most people know the importance of caring for their teeth, but did you know that taking care of your gums is just as important? Gums play an important role in the health and function of your smile. Any plaque that builds up on the teeth affects the health of your gum tissue first and can lead to the first stage of gum disease.

The mildest form of gum disease is called gingivitis. It can cause issues such as redness, swelling, bleeding gums, and sensitivity. The more serious form of gum disease is called periodontitis. It can cause more advanced issues such as  gums recession, severe pain, secondary infections and tooth loss. In order to avoid the problems that come with gum disease, you need to get answers to your questions so you can take action. 

What is gum disease?

Gum disease is an infection of gums. The infection is caused by bacteria and can lead to symptoms that range from inflamed gums to tooth loss. Gum disease ranges in severity with gingivitis being the mild form and periodontitis being the more serious form. Gum disease can develop quickly and there are a number of factors that impact your susceptibility to developing the condition.   


Gingivitis is the mildest form of gum disease. Symptoms include red, swollen gums, bleeding gums, bad breath, plaque and calculus present. But no bone loss and no root exposure present in this stage. This is the only kind of gum disease that is reversible and a doctor can perform a routine cleaning.


Periodontitis is an advance form of gum disease. It is includes symptoms like red, swollen gums, bleeding gums, heavy plaque and calculus accumulation, severe bone loss and sever gum recession. Sometimes pus discharge can be present from gums. Periodically teeth may become loose. Routine scaling with flap surgery or laser treatment is required at this stage.

Gum disease is a common problem but it is also treatable and preventable if you are proactive. You can start today by improving your oral hygiene routine and scheduling your next cleaning with your dentist. If you have specific concerns about your gums, then go for a dental check-up as soon as possible to prevent the side effects of severe gum disease.


Laxminarayan Dental Clinic,

Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India.

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