aesthetic dentistry caries Cavity cosmetic dentistry decay Dental dental cap dental health dental pain Fix teeth Health Oral oral health RCT root canal treatment Teeth teeth pain teeth replacement

Why are dental crowns necessary after root canal treatment?

A dental crown basically protects the tooth from any external damage after the root canal treatment.

Here are some reasons responsible for putting dental crowns after root canal treatment:

Dental Crowns Service In Gandhinagar

  1. Protect from damage/fracture

A tooth becomes weak to some extent after the root canal therapy that may cause damage to the tooth. In this condition, regular exposure to chewing and drinking can cause more damage to the tooth. It can cause chips and fracture in the tooth. A dental crown can protect the tooth from such kind of damage of the tooth.

  1. Maintain the appearance

In some cases, the color of the tooth changes after the root canal treatment. This might affect the aesthetic look especially of the front teeth. Now in such cases PFM or full ceramic crowns can be given as these types comes with the color of the tooth that can match properly with other neighboring teeth.

  1. Avoid any infection

There are chances of any infection to the tooth after the completion of the root canal treatment. Here, the dental crown can protect the tooth from further infection.


These are some of the main reasons for putting the dental crowns after the root canal treatment. A dental crown is commonly used by most people after root canal treatment.

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Tooth Decay Stages and How to Treat Each?

There are different stages of caries progression and at every stage it can be treated with particular treatment. It is advisable to get the treatment done at early stages, so that the tooth can be saved without need of any extensive dental treatment.

  •  Stage-1:-
  • This is initial stage of tooth decay.
  • Caries development is limited to first layer of tooth (Enamel) only.
  • Enamel is outer layer of tooth. It is hardest tissue of human body and is mostly made of minerals.
  • In this stage, cavity progression can be stopped by tooth filling treatment.
  •  Stage-2:-
  • In this stage caries is extended up to second layer of tooth (Dentin).
  • Dentin also contains tubes that lead to the nerves of the tooth. Because of this, when dentin is affected by tooth decay, you may begin experiencing sensitivity. You may notice this particularly when having hot or cold foods or drinks.
  • Tooth filling treatment is required at that stage to stop caries progression.
  •  Stages-3:-
  • Cavity is deep and near the pulp of tooth.
  • The pulp is the innermost layer of your tooth. It contains the nerves and blood vessels that help to keep the tooth healthy. The nerves present in the pulp also provide sensation to the tooth.
  • Sensitivity from hot and cold food or beverages may be present at this stage.
  • Tooth can be saved by pulp capping and tooth filling treatment.
  •  Stage-4:-
  • In this stage cavity reaches the pulp of tooth and causes pain.
  • Pain can be mild to severe.
  • Tooth can be saved by Root Canal and Crown treatment.
  •  Stage-5:-
  • Cavity is very deep and infection reaches the root tip of the tooth.
  • Moderate to severe pain may be present.
  • Abscess formation and Swelling can be present.
  • Extraction (Tooth Removal) or Root canal treatment would be done according to presence of infection.

Cavities do not happen or spread overnight. So it is advisable to visit your dentist regularly and get the treatment done at early stage to save your teeth.

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