Scaling & Polishing
Scaling removes deposits such as plaque n calculus ( tartar) from tooth surface.
Regular removal of these deposits may reduce a mild & sever gum disease.
Scaling is a professional method of cleaning teeth in which the hard deposits are removed through an instrument.
If u delay treatment it will cause bleeding gums, bad breath, inflamed, red, tender gums.
Your gums will thank you for a lifetime if you go for professional cleaning at least once every year.
Dental Implant
Dental implants are effective to smile.
Emergency Care
Emergency Call only +1 945 825 763
Teeth cleaning
Teeth cleaning is part involves of dental
Polishing after Scaling
- This is a procedure conducted just after the process of scaling is over and is meant to make the tooth surface smooth.
- Through polishing, the minor irregularities on the teeth surface get smoothened.
- You feel good as you can perceive a smooth n glossy surface.
- The major advantage of having polished teeth surface is that food particles do not stick to smooth surfaces easily.
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B.D.S., M.D.S. [Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics]
Dr. Kiran Chouhan

MDS, Oral Implantologist (More than 11 years of experience)