Oral Surgery

Wisdom teeth extraction –The extraction of wisdom teeth or( third molars) is needed in case when there is not enough space for the teeth or tooth to fully erupt from under the gum line .When there is not enough space for the wisdom tooth to grow out of the gum line in a straight manner, it erupts in an abnormal manner and becomes impacted in jaw bone or sometimes under oral mucosa. Impacted wisdom teeth may lead to pain and swelling, and can even become infected which is the reason for the need for extraction.

Oral Surgeon in Gandhinagar


  • We also treat cyst by surgery. We use lasers to treat such surgery.

Fracture of Jaw:

  • We treat fracture of jaw due to accidental injury.

Instruction After Tooth Extraction:

  • Firmly bite the gauze placed over the wound for one hour (1/2 hour for baby tooth) to help the bleeding stop. If bleeding persists, put a new gauze and continue biting firmly for another ½ to 1 hour or until the bleeding stops.
  • Do not rinses your mouth vigorously for 24 hours after the treatment. Keep your teeth and Mouth clean by brushing gently after meal, but avoid touching the wound .
  • During the first week after treatment, rinse gently your mouth with warm salty water (1/2 teaspoon of salt with 1 glass of warm water) several times a day for fast wound healing.
  • Take medicines as prescribed by dentist.
  • Avoid eating hot food as it promote bleeding from recent tooth extrcted socket.

Local Anesthesia Post Op Instructions:

  • Following local anesthesia, special attention is required for young children, elderly patients and medically compromised patients.
  • To avoid injury inside the mouth, there should be no chewing or biting of lips, cheeks or tongue while the area is still numb. The numbness will gradually wear off in 2-3 hours.
  • During the first 24 hours, chew food by using teeth on the side of the mouth which had not been treated.
  • If lips or tongue have been accidentally bitten, the wound may be swollen with white or yellowish plaque covering it. Do not rub or apply any medicine to the wound. The wound will disappear by itself in approximately 7- 10 days without scar. Pain relief medicine can be taken if necessary.
  • Better Care For Complex Conditions
  • Respiratory Syncytial Virus
  • Routine and medical care and travel medicine.
  • Manage your time so you’ll get more done
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