1. During orthodontic treatment teeth are moved from one place to another. To stop teeth  from moving back to their original position and to retain teeth at their new position it is  necessary to wear a retainer. So it is advisable to wear retainer as soon as the orthodontic  treatment is completed.
  2. With the aging teeth have tendency of shifting from their original position which can be  prevented by wearing retainer regularly.
  3. Retainers should be worn for 8 to 12 hours every day. Retainers should be worn at night  also while sleeping.
  4. Do not wear retainer while eating.
  5. Retainer should be worn for minimum 2 to 3 years after completion of orthodontic  treatment.
  6. Learn how to wear retainer from a doctor as well as practice wearing a retainer by  looking in a mirror in the early days.
  7. Sometime retainer can be wear off or break, In such cases, it is very important to come to  the doctor and make a new retainer as it is very important to wear a retainer. 8. One should complete remaining dental treatment advised by your dentist without failure  to keep your teeth and gums healthy.
  8. Annual dental check-up is must and if treatment is needed, it should be completed as per  the doctor’s advice because prevention is better than cure
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