1. After you get the denture, wear the denture constantly for first 24 hrs.
  2. For the first few days salivation will be more.
  3. Eat soft food in early days. Don’t eat hard and sticky food.
  4. Take care that denture do not slip from hand while wearing or removing from mouth otherwise it can  break. Never try to rejoin broken denture by yourself.
  5. Pronunciation will be different when you will speak in the beginning with the denture so to improve  pronunciation, wear denture and read the magazine or newspaper loudly.
  6. When you are wearing the denture, first wear the lower denture and then the upper one. 7. At night remove the denture and clean it. Denture should be stored in a clean container filled with water. 8. Clean denture with tooth paste and tooth brush after meal daily.
  7. Food particles may get trapped under denture causing inflammation or sour spot. Clean the roof of your  mouth, your tongue, and your gums gently after removing the denture.
  8. Denture reduces the sense of taste and chewing takes more time than usual which is normal. 11. In the beginning, denture can cause ulcer in mouth which is a common problem in every patient. If this  happens then consult your dentist.
  9. Keeps your hand over your mouth while sneezing, laughing or yawning to prevent denture falling. 13. Please note that the body cannot accept any external object immediately so, it may take 3-5 months to  get accommodated to the denture so use the prescribed denture adhesive and cream for wearing the  denture in the beginning.
  10. Patient have to adjust with the denture, denture will not adjust with the patient so have patience for few  days to few months and keep practicing.
  11. Make sure to visit dentist at least once a year to have your denture adjusted and checked by doctor.  Wearing ill-fitting denture without proper care and adjustment can cause oral disease and bone loss in  the jaw area.
  12. One should complete remaining dental treatment advised by your dentist without failure to keep your  teeth and gums healthy.
  13. Annual dental check-up is must and if treatment is needed, it should be completed as per the doctor’s  advice because prevention is better than cure.
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