1. If anesthesia given effect of local anesthesia will remain at the site of extraction for 2-3 hours till that do  not chew from that site and avoid speaking to prevent cheek/lip/tongue bite.
  2. Do not drink or eat for at least 30 minutes.
  3. Do not eat hard foods & sticky foods on treated side for at least 24 hours. (ex: dry fruits, biscuits,  caramel or sticky sweets)
  4. Cap will fall on its own with the milky tooth.
  5. Brush twice a day and change the brush every month.
  6. One should complete remaining dental treatment advised by your dentist without failure to keep your  teeth and gums healthy.
  7. Annual dental check-up is must and if treatment is needed, it should be completed as per the doctor’s  advice because prevention is better than cure.
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