Jaw cysts are growths that tend to develop slowly and for many people, will only show up on an X-ray or scan during a dental appointment. Sometimes though they can get infected and painful or pose a threat to nearby teeth and need to be removed.

Removing the cyst is usually a relatively straightforward operation that our specialist surgeons perform
Cysts may never present a problem but if they get infected they can become very painful. Large cysts can also damage teeth nearby and, occasionally, they can get so big that they cause the jawbone to fracture.
Regular checks and X-rays from your dentist will show any developing cysts but physical symptoms may include:
- Pain or swelling around your jaw area
- A lump in the jaw
- Persistent tooth infections in one particular part of the jaw.
Most jaw cysts are removed under a local anesthesia, so you will usually be able to go home the same day. If the cyst is very large, however, you may need a general anesthetia which means you’ll be asleep during the procedure.